TSL Podcast

The Sexual Life Podcast- Socrates Manning up Smart and the TSL Crew

The last couple of months have been exhausting on a professional and a personal level (still recovering from Bronchitis and Pneumonia), but managed to do a podcast that Steve Mayeda of The Sexual Life that he and I have been talking about for some time now. While it’s a 2-hour podcast, the conference call went on for over 3-hours and could have gone longer, if I had the legs and time to actually do it. I look forward to doing more of these and was quite invigorated by the open and frank discussions that took place. I loved the back and forth discussion, the insights and revelations that occurred. So much of blogging and writing is such an isolated pursuit, you just don’t have a live audience to respond to. While I really love writing, it’s the personal interaction that was so energizing for me. I hope you enjoy it, and more importantly find a nugget of wisdom or truth that you can take with you.


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