21 Convention Patriarch Event May 4-6, 2019 Orlando FL

21C PE Orlando 2019

21 Convention Patriarch Event May 4-6, 2019 Orlando FL
If you are a man who have fears, concerns and misgivings about raising a family in today’s cultural environment, the 21C ‘Patriarch’s Edition’ is a condensed, focused event centering on fatherhood and family leadership by fathers who openly embrace and exalt in their masculinity and familiar roles. This event will be the Why, What and How to embrace that yourself. I am both proud to speak and support this event.

I have also committed to speak at both of the following 21 Convention events this year.


21C PE Orlando 2019
21 Convention Poland Summer 2019
21 Convention Orlando Fall 2019
Note if you utilize this link to purchase any ticket to an event, please contact me as I would like to personally arrange time to meet, greet and make sure your experience at these events is more than you hoped for.



I just finished spending +4 ½ hours with a dear friend, who for several years has provided me guidance, leadership and inspiration and even though it wasn’t face-to-face, over the phone, or through social media, the interaction was on-demand and at a pace I could absorb and be prepared to take in what I hope was its entirety; that is, it was over the net and through his writing and video posts. The importance of that is I was able to take it all in on my schedule, when I was prepared and at a pace (going back over details a few times) that it afforded me to really hear, not only an underlying message to me (and others), but to see and feel the purpose to which he has been aiming for some time; bettering humanity, one life at a time.

In that regard I can tell you first hand he’s been successful at this, but not as much as his Driven personality would care to rest on his laurels on. I know I became a better man, the moment I turned toward fatherhood and fully embraced becoming one.  So too were those around me, because of that transformation.  That transformation would not have been possible without his friendship, kindness and ruthless Dutch Uncle guidance… Without his presence in my life I would not be able to stare into my own child’s eyes and see the reflection of the man that I am. 

Because of that and so much more, I’m fully supporting his current endeavor to provide much the same and greater to others, not only in support, voice, but financially as well. I’m not only recommending you do the same, but I’m offering you an introduction to the man and ideas who have so profound improved the quality of my life and ensured my future.


If you are interested in becoming a far better version of yourself, learning to thrive and finding sheer joy in life, this ‘Gym Membership’ will bring rewards not only to yourself and those most important to you, but also to humanity on a whole. I consider it virtue strengthening.  To have a membership, community and trainer that will educate, guide and provide exercises in development, is without a doubt the best ‘Gym Membership’ I will ever possess.  Even by owning one, that does nothing but reside in your pocket, you are helping to shape and change the world for a better place, one of human thriving.

For more insights into the man, his ideas and examples of ThriversED concepts, visit;



The Honest Liars Podcast #85

Honest Liars Podcast

Recently I had a fantastic opportunity to be interviewed by the boys at The Honest Liars regarding a wide range of subjects concerning relationships, living consciously, feminism, living virtuously and fatherhood. Most importantly I was able to spend quality time with individuals dedicated to living and improving their lives with incredibly conscious efforts.  They’re doing some really great work and are well worth the read and listen.  I could try to paraphrase what they do, but I think they do a fine job explaining it themselves: 

We believe that most people are perfectly capable of having fulfilling, honest, and open relationships. The problem is that so few of us have ever had true honest modeled for us, making it difficult to find authentic connections later in life. 

In order to attain these relationships, you MUST work to become the most authentic version of you, which means getting vulnerable not only with others, but also (and more importantly) with yourself.

Don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. People all over the world are starting this journey, just like you. They are waking up to the fact that their relationships are lacking, that something’s just not quite right with their world…


The Honest Liars

The Honest Liars Podcast #85 Socrates Interview