My Red Hat

My-Red-Hat-Book-CoverMY RED HAT

A Modern Anti-Bullying Storybook

For years I’ve held several competing thoughts in my head that course their way around a common topic theme and questioned how to pull those ideas together to propose a probable solution to act on;

“We are one generation away from remarkably changing the world”

“Children are the future”

“Children are here to replace us”

I’ve also been involved one way or another in one way or another in trying to improve men’s and women’s lives, starting with my own…

So often is that nearly everyone looking for help, needs it, as in they are getting something wrong, have been hurt, damaged and traumatized by living life unprepared for the reality of it.

As part of an on-going discussion with several friends, mentors and fellow speakers there is an under current discussion that we are actually trying to help the wrong party; adults. Damaged adults. Instead, we would be better off preventing children by preparing them in advance by not to have the same issues adult do today.

In essence we’re talking about educating and cultivating children to face today’s modern age with the wisdom and knowledge we’ve learned the hard way. By all accounts this is called parenting…

So the question becomes, with divorce rates being approximately 50% and the majority of adults are coming from broken homes and marriages, how do you teach them how to parent when they are likely to have suffered a deficit of it themselves, and have little to no experienc to base their knowledge or understand from?

Worse yet, how do you teach someone to do this in real-time; How do you teach someone to Father, who was under-fathered, while they themselves are actually fathering?

This was a question that repeatedly came up at a number of conventions and conversations I had with others and it was while hosting a convention get together at my home that a group of us battered around this idea and came up with a concept; a storybook, that much like the fables of old taught lessons and cultured values that were as much for the parent, as it was for the child.

Additionally, in the process of reading and sharing the stories, they were created to provide segways to real life issues and challenges that enable both child and parent to initiate discussion and communication, prior to an event occurring, with the idea that prevention is far more valuable than a cure.

We also wanted to provide some basic background and reference material for the parent to assist them in how to utilize these books for greater gain.

In a period of a couple short days, the project took off and the result is the storybook set before you: My Red Hat, a Modern Anti-Bullying Storybook.

We intend for this book to be the first in a series of storybooks that will provide not only great bedtime stories, but also cultivating values and to serve as an initial source to start the communication process between parent and child and child and adult.

You can find more at the My Red Hat book website:

Or purchase a copy from Amazon here:


21 Convention Patriarch Event May 4-6, 2019 Orlando FL

21C PE Orlando 2019

21 Convention Patriarch Event May 4-6, 2019 Orlando FL
If you are a man who have fears, concerns and misgivings about raising a family in today’s cultural environment, the 21C ‘Patriarch’s Edition’ is a condensed, focused event centering on fatherhood and family leadership by fathers who openly embrace and exalt in their masculinity and familiar roles. This event will be the Why, What and How to embrace that yourself. I am both proud to speak and support this event.

I have also committed to speak at both of the following 21 Convention events this year.


21C PE Orlando 2019
21 Convention Poland Summer 2019
21 Convention Orlando Fall 2019
Note if you utilize this link to purchase any ticket to an event, please contact me as I would like to personally arrange time to meet, greet and make sure your experience at these events is more than you hoped for.

THE MAP-a personal guide to the sexual marketplace.


MUS_The Map_Book Cover

Never be lost in the sexual market place again!
Most people have an impoverished concept of the today’s sexual market place and their romantic interests suffer accordingly. Furthermore, their behavioral stratagem does not adequately satisfy their need for intimacy and connection. Many have grown accustomed to losing their heart in the process of trying. Others still hold deep mistrust and skepticism regarding the viability of relationships, that they actively eschew them.
In The Map; A Personal Guide to the Sexual Market Place, the author creates a graphic illustration of today’s sexual market place and proves throughout it, that a picture is worth a thousand words for men and women in today’s dating environment. In doing so, he encourages a sense of adventure, boldness and confidence in navigating the challenges in our social and cultural environment then couples that with simple productive advice, delivered with a bit of sizzle.
The author has a profound belief that ‘the sexes are meant for each other’. That we are naturally compatible and complimentary to each other, but society, culture, sexual politics and ignorance to human nature have taken us seriously awry. He wants to take the idea that we’re meant for each other and turn it into a social movement by transforming one individual and relationship at a time.
After leveraging his professional skills and talents as an architect to organize knowledge, plan, design and guide action to change his own life, he now helps other men, women and couples to navigate today’s sexual marketplace by leveraging the same approach he utilizes in architecture in orchestrating a cross-discipline team of professional by combining anthropology, biology, history, sociology and psychology to create a structural framework for living. This, coupled with his professional experience, allows him to create the vision and plan they need to achieve their life and relationship goals.

For those lost in the sexual marketplace this is a functional model as to why, what and how to change that.
Never be lost in the sexual marketplace again!

MUS_The Map_Book Cover

Accrued Value

Linchpin to the SMP- Being Prepared

Accrued Value

As a society becomes more complex, people more complacent and distracted, value is accrued to those who show up prepared and dedicated to making a difference.

21C Miami 2016- The Linchpin to the Sexual Market Place


Fear of commitment?


Linchpin to the SMP- FOMO

Fear of commitment?

Choice overload?

Difficulty in making big, life shaping choices?

Fear of mission out?

 You’re not alone…but you’re likely to manifest that.

 21C Miami 2016- The Linchpin to the Sexual Market Place