TSL Podcast Greg Swann





A Sunday afternoon spent in the Church of Splendor…

Sat down late this morning to wrap up my next blog post on ‘maintaining relationship quality’, which I’ve started and stopped a half-dozen times in the last three months… started to listen to this podcast from two mutual friends, to hear their voices again and immerse myself in the context of writing about ideas… and got lost hearing and being reaffirmed by shared values expressed in the podcast. Greg calls this church (the behavioral action of repeatedly going back again and again to remind yourself of what your values and virtues are and the acts of pursuing them). The more I think upon that and so many other ideas and convictions he shares the more I have to re-think so many ideas and ideals I once held so profoundly close. At times I’m uncomfortable with where I come up out of the rabbit hole, but I then remind myself that there is no growth in the comfort zone…

The Sexual Life Podcast-with Greg Swann

With all that being said, if I fail to post this evening it’s because I’ve chosen to spend more time with my friends, their ideas and contemplating those values as they are expressed in my life… and right now that is the most likely outcome…

Steve Mayeda- The Sexual Life



Greg Swann
